Recent Publications

Many of the publications listed below are copyrighted by IEEE or ACM. LCA owns copyrights of all unpublished manuscripts listed below. Personal use of these materials is permitted. However, permission to reprint or replublish these materials for resale or redistribution purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works,must be obtained from the IEEE/ACM/LCA.
SPARK: Sparsity Aware, Low Area, Energy-Efficient, Near-memory Architecture for Accelerating Linear Programming Problems [PDF]
Siddhartha Raman Sundara Raman, Lizy K. John, and Jaydeep P. Kulkarni.
2025 IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA 2025). March 2025.
PIMSAB: A Processing-In-Memory System with Spatially-Aware Communication and Bit-Serial-Aware Computation [PDF]
Siyuan Ma, Kaustubh Mhatre, Jian Weng, Bagus Hanindhito, Zhengrong Wang, Tony Nowatzki, Lizy K. John, and Aman Arora.
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) (Presented at HiPEAC 2025). January 2025.
HLSFactory: A Framework Empowering High-Level Synthesis Datasets for Machine Learning and Beyond (Best Paper Award) [PDF]
Stefan Abi-Karam, Rishov Sarkar, Allison Seigler, Sean Lowe, Zhigang Wei, Hanqiu Chen, Nanditha Rao, Lizy K. John, Aman Arora, and Cong Hao.
2024 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Machine Learning for CAD (MLCAD 2024). September 2024.
arrWNN: Arrhythmia-detecting Weightless Neural Network FlexIC [PDF]
Velu Pillai, Igor D. S. Miranda, Tejas Musale, Mugdha Jadhao, Paulo C. R. Souza Neto, Zachary Susskind, Alan T. L. Bacellar, Mael Lhostis, Priscila Lima, Diego Dutra, Eugene B. John, Mauricio Breternitz Jr., Felipe Franca, Emre Ozer, and Lizy K. John.
2024 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Conference (IFETC' 2024). September 2024.
LogicNets vs. ULEEN : Comparing Two Novel High Throughput Edge ML Inference Techniques on FPGA [PDF]
Shashank Nag, Zachary Susskind, Aman Arora, Alan T.L. Bacellar, Diego L.C. Dutra, Igor D.S. Miranda, Krishnan Kailas, Eugene B. John, Mauricio Breternitz Jr., Priscila M. V. Lima, Felipe M. G. Franca, and Lizy K. John.
2024 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS' 2024). August 2024.
Differentiable Weightless Neural Networks [PDF]
Alan T. L. Bacellar, Zachary Susskind, Mauricio Breternitz Jr., Eugene John, Lizy K. John, Priscila M. V. Lima, and Felipe M. G. Franca.
2024 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML '24'). July 2024.
An Open Source Framework for High-Level Synthesis Dataset Generation for Machine Learning [PDF]
Stefan Abi-Karam, Rishov Sarkar, Allison Seigler, Sean Lowe, Zhigang Wei, Hanqiu Chen, Nanditha Rao, Lizy K. John, Aman Arora, and Cong Hao.
3rd Open-Source Computor Architecture Research (OSCAR' 2024) in Conjuction with The 51st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2024). June 2024.
Comparing Data Precision on Low-Rank Adaptation for Fine-tuning Large Language Models
Bagus Hanindhito, Bhavesh Patel, and Lizy K. John.
New Approaches for Addressing the Computing Requirements of LLMs and GNNs (ARC-LG' 2024) in Conjuction with The 51st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2024). June 2024.
Efficient FPGA-based power model adaption with Transfer-Learning and Meta-Learning
Zhigang Wei, Aman Arora, Emily Shriver, and Lizy K. John.
8th Workshop on Cognitive Architectures (COGARCH' 2024) in Conjuction with The 51st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2024). June 2024.
Lightweight Vision Transformers for Low Energy Edge Inference [PDF]
Shashank Nag, Logan Liberty, Aishwarya Sivakumar, Neeraja J. Yadwadkar, and Lizy K. John.
ML for Computer Architecture and Systems (MLArchSys' 2024) in Conjuction with The 51st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2024). June 2024.