Muhammad Faisal Iqbal

Research Interests

I work in LCA under the supervision of Prof. Lizy John.

My interests include microprocessor architecture, power and performance modeling, workload characterization and low power architectures. My thesis is on traffic aware dynamic adaptations in multicore network processors. The goal of these adaptations is to maximize performance while keeping the power overhead to a minimum.


Flow Migration on Multicore Network Processors: Load Balancing While Minimizing Packet Reordering paper

Muhammad Faisal Iqbal, Jim Holt, Jee Ho Ryoo, Gustavo de Veciana and Lizy K. John
Internation Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2013)

Cache Friendliness Aware Management of Last-level Caches for High Performance Multi-core Systems paper

Dimitris Kaseridis, Muhammad Faisal Iqbal and Lizy K. John
IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC 2013)

Efficient Traffic Aware Power Management in Communications Processors paper

Muhammad Faisal Iqbal and Lizy K. John
IEEE/ACM Symposium on Architecture for Network and Communications Systems (ANCS 2012)

Power and Performance Analysis of Network Traffic Prediction Techniques poster

Muhammad Faisal Iqbal and Lizy K. John
IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS 2012)

MCFQ: Leveraging Memory-level Parallelism and Application's Cache Friendliness for Efficient Management of Quasi-partitioned Last-level Caches poster

Dimitris Kaseridis, Muhammad Faisal Iqbal, Jeffrey Stuecheli and Lizy K. John
Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2011)

Confusion by All Means (A Study on benchmark means) paper

Muhammad Faisal Iqbal and Lizy K. John
Workshop on Unique Chips and Systems (UCAS 2010). UCAS6

Parallel Assertion Processing Using Memory Snapshots paper (slides)

Siddiqui J.H, Muhammad Faisal Iqbal, Derek Chiou.
Workshop on Unique Chips and Systems (UCAS 2009). UCAS5

Estimation of Intrinsic Small Signal Parameters of GaAs MESFET from DC Measurements paper

M.M Ahmed, N. Ahmed, K.S Chaudhary and M. F. Iqbal.
IEEE INMIC Multitipic conference, 2001.